Saturday, July 10, 2010

I can't believe I haven't posted anything this week. Time flies when you're having fun I guess.

G started ballet and Mandarin lessons this week. She was beaming during the ballet. Beaming. She's glad to be back at it I think. And the Mandarin lesson was fun for us both. 4 little girls in the back room with the teacher and 4 mommies drinking coffee and eating snacks in the living room chatting away. The kids had as much fun as the mommies during that hour.

The biggest event of our week: M arrived and has started working for us. It's been so awesome to have an extra set of hands around here. And the kids love her so that is a bonus.

Earlier this week we saw a flyer that Shrek was going to be appearing live and in person at the grocery on Saturday. So yesterday we headed over to the store at the designated time to let the kids have a chance to meet a celebrity.

We approached the massive crowd in disbelief. There were tons of people there! Kids with melty ice cream cones and were running around everywhere. It was hot and super humid. All the parents were kind of standing around looking miserable and the kids were antsy. Where was Shrek? Turns out Shrek had to take a break. His costume was massive and full body and he couldn't take the heat.

We saw someone we knew and she told us we better go ahead and get a number. A number? Why? Well so we could have a turn to get up close next to him, of course. Of course we had to have a number. I love that about this place. Super organization skills to a fault around here. At that point one of the other moms who had been standing there just offered us her number because her kids were over it. So we saw Shrek and the kids were happy.

And then we all had to go get a Vitamin Water to replenish.

It is unbelievably hot and humid here. We have friends who just got back from the USA a few days ago after being gone from Hong Kong for a month. They ended their time in The States in Orlando so it was interesting to hear them say that, even coming straight from Orlando (where they lived for years), they can't believe how hot it is and how crazy the humidity is.

We are spending lots of time at the pool, going through tons of sunscreen, and drinking gallons of fluids. Summer time is in full swing.

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