Sunday, July 4, 2010

We decided to take the kids to the movies today. It was D's first time to go see a movie in a theater. I really want to see Toy Story but it's not released here in English until July 15th. The only kid's movie playing in English right now is Shrek.

When you go to the movies in Asia, you choose your seat or block of seats when you buy your tickets. So if you buy them online you get a screen that looks like an airline ticketing screen with a layout of the theater and you choose the exact seats in which you will sit. And if you pay for them at the ticket booth there is a screen that pops up and you have to choose your seats there on the spot. Your tickets print out with your seat assignment on them.

And we were met at the door to the theater by an usher who sat us in our exact seats. There were maybe 20 people in the whole theater.

This movie was at 9:05am this morning. Do they play movies in the USA that early? I thought it sounded really early but it was great for the kids and it was perfect timing to have lunch when the movie got out.

The ticket prices are about the same as in The States. Just slightly cheaper here. And the popcorn, coke and candy were all just slightly cheaper here too.

After the disappointing experience going to check out that Mandarin class for G a few days ago, today we got some good news. At the request of one of the moms, G's Mandarin teacher from her Kindergarten has offered to give a Mandarin tutor session once a week to 3 or 4 kids from G's class. How perfect! Her teacher will know exactly where these kids are already, she knows their personalities and temperaments and she is moving up a grade so G will still have her next year. The best part is she is charging us a very reasonable rate. So that was a great phone call to get today!


  1. That IS great new about G's teacher giving Mandarin lessons. It sounds like it should work out perfectly. Did D and G like the movie?
    Did D sit through the movie like the big boy that he is? Sounds like things are going well.
    Love, Mom
