Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I had a conversation a few days ago that I still can't get out of my mind.

I was talking with an acquaintance of mine, who is a local Hong Konger born and raised, and after a break in conversation she exclaimed

"Oh! I know what I need to ask you! Can you share with me a good recipe for bacon pie? I had it at a buffet last week and thought it was wonderful. I had never seen it before. But my friend told me it was normal American Thanksgiving food."

"...uh bacon pie? Like a quiche maybe?"

"Oh sorry sorry sorry. Not bacon.
(She closed her eyes and thought. Hard.)
Pecan? With a p? Pecan? You know pecan pie?"

"Yes. Pecan. With a p. I know pecan pie."

I never knew bacon and pecan sounded basically like the same word. Try it.

In other news school is going well for me. My first assignment is due later this week. I finished it already and my brain hurts less every day. I am finding the readings to be very interesting and to this point it is taking exactly as much time to study as I thought/hoped it would.

Sorry I stink at keeping the blog current.

1 comment:

  1. I have missed reading about you! Pecan and bacon do sound alike, weird! :)
    but better a pecan pie than a bacon pie.

    Love you. Margie
